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Cottage Industries And Women's Participation In Labour Force

  • Abhishek Singh
  • Cottage
  • Textile

Under Cottage Industries comes a wide array of Industries from Home furnishings to Rug making, in all of them have one thing in common they operate on a small scale and are mostly informal. In India, the cottage industry provides employment to a large number of people, including women which led to their empowerment in different ways.

In the recent past participation of women in economic activity is slowing down or decreasing due to the slowing down of the economy, which has many implications for women as well as for the whole society from a decrease in literacy rate to an increase in child mortality rate. The cottage industry, well equipped with technology, provides a unique opportunity to arrest this trend and even increase it to more than 60%, now around 30%.


Women consist half of all population on the globe but their participation in economic activity is dismally low, historically society is always patriarchal all over the world which led to the marginalisation of women in every aspect of life but history tells us that if a country has to grow and prosper women's participation in different aspect of life is must and necessary China is one of the biggest examples of how small scale industries with the participation of women can change the trajectory of economic growth of the country( it is growing with more than 7% annually from last 3 decades).


The government is also providing a lot of policy support to the industry, recently it announced the introduction of Production linked incentive scheme which will increase the output of industries and make them more efficient, given the social and economic benefits of the industry it is important to provide the all necessary support which it needs to become a world-class Industry.

You may be aware that our great nation is now just a few days away from the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence let us all come together to make this great nation a place where every woman has equal rights in every aspect( Economic and Social) that will be real Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

  • Tags:
  • Cottage
  • Textile