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Impact of IT for Cottage Industries in India

  • Saurabh Sharma
  • Cottage
  • Textile
  • IT Industry

A cottage industry is an industry, primarily manufacturing, which includes many producers, working from their homes. The term originally referred to home workers who were engaged in a task such as sewing, lace-making, wall hangings, or household manufacturing, potteries manufacturing, wood work, stone work, Oil extraction etc. The people of India traditionally perform and learn from their ancestors. Though there was a great development done in science and technology but less efforts have been made to upgrade or modify the traditional methods with the addition of modern technologies


Present Scenario of Cottage Industries:

The present condition of cottage industries is not encouraging. However, there are few who think that every effort should be made to revive them. A cloth mill will produce hundreds of bales of cloth in a short time but a weaver will take long to weave a single piece of cloth. Large industries produce things quickly and cheaply so that the competition of cottage industries and large industries is just like the competition between a man who walks on foot and one who goes by a aeroplane.

Technological advancement is the key to success for any industry. Large industries and companies take advantage of technology to expand and grow their business across the globe. The cottage industries do not have adequate knowledge of the latest technology, tools and production techniques. Net connection is required for marketing the business and gaining knowledge of the latest trends in the market. Since cottage industries are situated in rural areas, they lack good net connectivity, thus impacting their growth.


How Does Information Technology Help Small Business

In the modern era, technology in small businesses provides a wide range of benefits in scaling the business. Whether you’re running micro, small, or medium businesses, technology plays a crucial role in enhancing business growth, productivity, and workflow.

Significantly, the advanced software and other automation tools make accounting, financial management, project management, and networking effortless. So, make sure you take the utmost advantage of the technical developments to grow your business.

One of the best features of using information technology in small businesses is eliminating full-time employees and third-party solutions. As you read the article, you unlock the potential benefits and ways to use automated tools and software.

  • Tags:
  • Cottage
  • Textile
  • IT Industry