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Carpet Industry And Inclusive Development

  • Abhishek Singh
  • Cottage
  • Process
  • Textile

What is Inclusive Growth

An economic growth that is properly distributed over the society is called inclusive growth, It creates an equal opportunity scenario for all parts of society. Inclusive growth creates an opportunity to reduce poverty in society and increase well-being.

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Indian Carpet Industry

The Indian carpet industry has great potential in the economic development of the nation. This agri-based, unorganized sector employs millions of skilled and unskilled labors and acts as a source for their livelihood.Engaging in such activity produces gainful employment resulting socio-economic growth. The handmade carpet industry is thus a potential socio-economic growth for any such country and the world at a large

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How India's Cottage industry can play very effective role in inclusive growth of country

  • An increase in the percentage of women who are economically active in cottage sector either as self-employed or as wage workers or unremunerated family workers.
  • Growth In cottage sector has positive effect on reducing distress migration from rural areas.
  • Social Development: It means the empowerment of all marginalised sections of the population like Minorities and women
  • Cottage Industry is one of the most labour intensive sector which provides employment to people which come from marginalised section of society which in turn led to social development


A thriving cottage sector has potential to became building block for India’s economic growth( Inclusive) and prosperity in the coming decade. The ongoing post-COVID rebalancing of Global Value Chains offers India’s government and business leaders a unique opportunity to transform and accelerate the trajectory of manufacturing sector.

  • Tags:
  • Cottage
  • Process
  • Textile